Deadline: yearly, in mid-February
The Center for Innovation, Research, and Creativity in the Arts (CIRCA) and the College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences (CAHSS) and the Office of the Vice President for Research (OVPR) invites applications from full-time tenure-track and tenured faculty from any CAHSS department for research support in the arts for Summer 2025. Funding will support faculty projects that will enhance the prominence of the arts at UMBC and increase the quality and vitality of research or creative work in theory, scholarship, and/or practice in the arts. Up to two fellowships of $6,000 each will be directed to research projects with the potential to create significant impact in the field. The fellowship may be used to support the creation, presentation, documentation, dissemination, and/or exhibition of faculty research or to develop proposals intended to lead to securing external funding for their research activities.
Evaluation Criteria:
Proposals will be reviewed by a selection panel convened by the CIRCA Director. Applications will be judged on the degree to which they meet the stated purpose of this grant program as well as their feasibility and likelihood of completion.
Criteria include:
- Importance and potential impact to the relevant Arts field(s)
- Potential for external funding
- Scope of dissemination of the work (regional, national, or international venues)
- Innovation and creativity
- Potential for successful completion of the project
Previous awardees include: Kelley Bell (Visual Arts), Susan McCully (Theatre), Shaness Kemp (Dance), Linda Dusman (Music), Brian Kaufman (Music), Sarah Sharp (Visual Arts), Nikki Hartman (Theatre), Mark Durant (Visual Arts), Lynn Cazabon (Visual Arts), Cathy Cook (Visual Arts), Corrie Parks (Visual Arts), Stephen Bradley (Visual Arts), Carol Hess (Dance), Peggy Re (Visual Arts), Guenet Abraham (Visual Arts), Lisa Moren (Visual Arts)